Visiting Hours
- 1. Parents/Guardians may visit the Principal's Office on all days except Saturdays and Mondays.
- The Principal's meeting hours are in :
- Summers : 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
- Winters : 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Parents/Guardians may meet the office-staff on all days except Saturdays.
guidelines & directives to parents/guardians
- Admission is not education. It is not the end of your responsibilities towards your children. It is only the beginning.
- Inside the college premises, the students are not allowed to go out of the premises during the college-hours. No half-day leaves are allowed to the students.
- Your children are at the college for about six hours. You must see and know what they are doing during the remaining hours.
- You must ensure that your children come to the college daily and also that they do sufficient study at home. Frequent absence is the beginning of bad performance and lack of interest in studies. Please do not detain your children at home for petty reasons.
- The Unit Tests and the Examination results show where your children stand academically. Take remedial measures promptly in consultation with the college, if you find that your children are not doing well.
- Please ensure that your children keep two exercise-books for each subject (one for class-work and the other for home-work).
- Please deposit the fees yourself. Also avoid giving too much pocket money to your children. Instruct your children not to purchase any eatables from unauthorised vendors outside the college.
- Please deposit the fees well in time so that your children may not suffer an infe riority complex or face an embarrassing situation, in case they are reminded in classrooms regarding the default in payment of fees.
- You are not allowed to meet your children during the college-hours or meet and interview the teaching-staff without the permission of the Principal. You are also requested not to roam around in the college or visit classrooms.
- The college is NOT responsible for any loss of jewellery, money, books or notebooks, etc. if lost in the college.
- Please do not give presents and gifts to staff-members without prior sanction of the Principal.
- The college does not organise picnics and is not responsible for picnics organised by the students on their own.
- Please do not make any request for consideration/ promotion after the Annual Examination. Please ensure that your children work hard daily and pass the exams creditably.
- Please go through the notices given by the teachers on a regular basis. Visit the college immediately in case your children do not show you their Progress Reports after the Half-Yearly and Annual Examinations.
- All correspondence with the Principal regarding a student should state the Class, the Section and the S.R. No. of the student.
- No verbal assurance, alleged to have been given by any member of the staff, will be accepted as binding on the college. Similarly, parents are to write to the Principal with regard to any point they wish to raise or make.
- The college shall recognise only that person (father, mother or guardian of the student) who gets the student admitted in the college and submits the duly completed ‘Admission Form’, as the only person authorised to give instructions of any sort whatsoever regarding the student. The college shall not entertain any instructions or correspondence regarding the student from any person other than the one who gets the student admitted in the college, even though such other person may be father, mother or any other relative of the student.
- On admission of a student in the college, a S.R. Number is allotted to the student, which continues upto the time the student leaves the college. In all correspondence with the college concerning every matter regarding the student, the S.R. Number so allotted to the student must be mentioned. Otherwise, it will not be possible to attend to the matter expeditiously. This is also necessary in order to avoid any confusion between identical names of students in the college.
- While telephonic messages will be received or sent by the college, no teacher or student will be called to the telephone.
- Parents are advised not to send their children to the college with expensive watches, jewellery or any other expensive articles. The college will not be responsible for any loss incurred by a student if this advice is ignored by them.
- Parents are requested not to give too much pocket money to their children as it can lead to the development of undesirable habits. This is also necessary in order to minimize differences between children based purely on the financial standing of their parents.
- The college cannot accept the responsibility in case of an accident. This applied to all accidents, which may occur in the Science Laboratories or on the games field or on the journeys to and from the college.
- The age of the student accepted by the college will be as stated in the student’s Transfer Certificate. The Principal may, if considered necessary, insist on seeing the birth registration certificate, in original.
- A student who has suffered from an infectious disease shall not be permitted to attend the college until certified medically clear both by the family doctor and by the authorised doctor of the college.
- No student is permitted to bring a cellphone to the college. The college feels strongly that children must learn the value of discipline. Once the parents entrust their child to our care, we expect the parents and the child to follow the rules of the college. A student found guilty of a serious breach of discipline can be immediately expelled from the college without any liability on the part of the institution and the dues paid will not be refundable. If during the academic session, the college authorities are implicated in any litigation either by the student or by his/her Parent/Guardian, the college authorities reserve the right to cancel the admission of the concerned student without any prior notice, in order to maintain discipline and to safeguard the healthy atmosphere of the college from being vitiated.
To Download Guidelines for Parents and Guardians